Thursday, January 16, 2014

Experts Predict Buyers Will Need a Denver Mortgage Broker’s Services

Housing experts predict that interested home buyers will need the services of a mortgage broker in Denver and in other areas in the country in the following year. Forecasting real estate trends for 2014, these industry professionals say that residential property seekers will build new nests in more economical hubs in the US' Northwest, Southeast, South Atlantic, South Central, and Rock Mountain regions, including Denver.

In an article by Erin Carlyle of Forbes, experts weighed in their two-cents by saying:

Rising prices, a reversal of underwater mortgages, and easier credit will free Americans up to move. But next time they'll choose smaller homes in more affordable locations. Redfin is predicting that new lending regulations—which make it harder to borrow more—will send Americans to less expensive hubs like Portland, Denver, Austin, Richmond, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Atlanta, and Raleigh.


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